General Festival Rules & Expectations
- Each student is responsible for their personal property at all times. All equipment, instruments, and personal property should be marked with identification.
- Students are expected to cooperate with the local committee and managers, and to conform to all regulations laid down by the Jazz All-State Festival Committee.
- Students will not be allowed to drive cars to, from, or during the festival.
- All students are expected to be in attendance at every rehearsal, concert and all other activities scheduled by the Jazz All-State Festival Committee.
- Students must be in designated areas as specified by the festival staff at all times. No students are allowed to leave the hotel or festival grounds for any reason from the time of Jazz All-State Registration to the conclusion of the Jazz All-State Concert(s). Students are expected to be in their hotel room at the curfew times set by the Jazz All-State Festival Committee unless their school is commuting.
- Students are to eat all meals at the provided dining areas.
- Students must return home by the same means of transportation in which they came or with their parent or guardian, unless special written permission signed by the parent or guardian is provided to the school supervisor (please check with your local Superintendent’s Office for rules regarding travel to and from school functions).
- Any student withdrawing from the Jazz All-State may be ineligible to audition the following year.
- No tobacco, vaping, intoxicating beverages, or drugs will be allowed anytime or anywhere. Infringement of the smoking, vaping, drinking, or drug rules will be grounds for immediate dismissal from the festival. In addition, any student possessing or using illegal drugs or alcohol will be subject to arrest and prosecution. Gum chewing is forbidden in rehearsal areas.
- Additional hotel rules:
- Students are financially responsible for any room damage or theft.
- Students are only allowed in the room they are assigned. Students must stay on their assigned floor. Common areas will be designated.
- No practicing, radios, or other loud noises between 10 PM and 7 AM.
- All curfews, as set by the Host, Managers, or Jazz All-State Festival Chair, must be adhered to.
- Students are required to have Jazz All-State identification tags with them at all times.
- Concert Dress Code:
Concert attire for Jazz All State: Formal (no color specification)
- Tops:
- Collared shirts (ties or bowties may be worn – no logos)
- Blouses or shirts (short or long sleeve) – no logos, spaghetti straps, or tank tops
- Bottoms
- Dress pants (no jeans or leggings)
- Dress skirt below the knee
- Dresses: hem must fall below the knee
- Dress shoes and socks/tights
What To Bring
- Personal toiletries, clothing, and concert attire (see above)
- Rehearsal supplies- Music, Water bottle, pencils, mutes (brass), sticks and mallets (percussion), reeds (woodwinds), folding metal stand (labeled with your name), etc….
- Medications- All students with prescription medications MUST leave them with the Festival Nurses at registration, with the exception of inhalers, diabetic supplies, and epi-pens. Please only bring the number of doses needed for the duration of the festival. The festival nurses will dispense medications at appropriate times throughout the festival. MEDICATIONS MUST BE IN THE ORIGINAL LABELED PRESCRIPTION CONTAINERS!